Thứ Tư, 14 tháng 12, 2011

Visa onboard service for Bali - YES!

Người đăng: Unknown vào lúc 17:09

I'm a die hard Bali fan. Yes I know it's noisy and dirty and full of people who harass you in the street but I still love it.

There's something about it that has attracted me back more time than any other international destination.

But their immigration system sucks. Last time my flight arrived on a busy Saturday afternoon and it took four hours to process the crowd. We were penned like sheep in a large, hot room with no water available. there were four, three and sometimes just two people processing the whole crowd full with plane after plane landing. Seriously, I nearly fainted - not a good start to a holiday.

So it's with glee that I spotted this announcement today from Garuda - an immigration on-board visa service for all Sydney - Denpasar flights,effective January 1 2012. It would definitely make the flight down to Sydney worthwhile.

The service allows passengers to fast-track through immigration, avoid currency exchange and airport queues.

Garuda Indonesia passengers taking advantage of this new services will have their visa processed by immigration officials on-board the aircraft and payment will be processed when checking-in at Sydney airport.

Garuda Indonesia is looking to extend this service to all flights departing Australia in the future following the success of phase two of the trial.

For all travel bookings contact Garuda Indonesia on 1300 365 330.

Here's why I love Bali.

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